Kumospace tips

In our last post, Mark R told us about Kumospace, a spacial chat app he used to host Death in Venice. So I thought I’d try it out and successfully ran Reunion with Death using Kumospace. Reunion with Death on Kumospace – the pop-out map showing the whole floor...

Virtual murder parties – Kumospace review

Mark R recently wrote to tell us about Kumospace. In Mark’s words… We did Reunion with Death back in 2020 using Zoom. The game was great, but Zoom is a bit clunky since the host must admit people to rooms. Kumospace layout I just bought Death in Venice. I’ll use...

Additional Way out West character and Zoom tips

We have received a great story from Rosie about her Way out West Zoom party. Way out West on Zoom I ran Way out West via zoom for a group of old school friends last weekend and it was so much fun! The players said it was one of the best evenings they’ve had all year....

Playing The Food is to Die For using Gather.town

Gather.town is a map-based virtual space where users can walk around a map and engage in video conversation based on their proximity to one another. Although we’ve not tried it, it’s another option if you want to run a murder mystery game online. The Food...

Freeform Games in 2020

Unsurprisingly, 2020 was all about the pandemic for Freeform Games. 2020 had started well, with sales in January and February building on 2019 (which was a good year for us). And then in March the pandemic properly reached the UK and USA and our sales dropped off a...
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