Freeform Games’ review of 2023

2023 was Freeform Games’ most successful year in sales since we started in 2001. Growth has continued strongly since the end of the pandemic, and our sales have finally beaten our pre-pandemic best. We’ve been doing these reviews since 2013 – you can read them...

A Heroic Death – in Zimbabwe

Lorraine Shaw sent us some photographs of her A Heroic Death murder mystery party. She writes: “We had an awesome evening playing A Heroic Death! It was my daughter’s 17th birthday party. This is the 3rd freeform game we’ve played and we love them...

Way out West photos

Rachel Foyst recently told us about her Way out West party:”We played Way out West as a fundraising event for our son’s trip to Europe with other youth at our church. It was a fabulous time! We used all 27 available characters and there were plenty of...

Way out West party photos from Alex

In 2017 Alex sent us their Way out West party photos – enjoy. (Some of our pages of party photos are getting long and unwieldy, so we are moving some photos to the blog. Way out West, as our most popular game, is one of the worst culprits, so as an ongoing...

Looking back at 2022

2022 felt like the pandemic was finally behind us. While COVID-19 is still around, it’s not the terror it once was, and the world (or at least, our part of it) is on the road to recovery. From our perspective, that means people are gathering in groups – and where...
What Our Clients Say
79 reviews