Freeform Games’ review of 2023

2023 was Freeform Games’ most successful year in sales since we started in 2001. Growth has continued strongly since the end of the pandemic, and our sales have finally beaten our pre-pandemic best. We’ve been doing these reviews since 2013 – you can read them...

Looking back at 2022

2022 felt like the pandemic was finally behind us. While COVID-19 is still around, it’s not the terror it once was, and the world (or at least, our part of it) is on the road to recovery. From our perspective, that means people are gathering in groups – and where...

Casting Murder on the Istanbul Express

I ran Murder on the Istanbul Express recently. I ran it at a games convention, and while I knew some players, I didn’t know them that well. Some of the train crew serving the Istanbul Express So I created a Google Form form to help me cast the game. Basic approach My...

Murder mystery party games you can simultaneously host and play

Our murder mystery games require a separate host because we include items and money and abilities like pickpocketing and rules such as combat and arrests. We find a dedicated host helps the game run smoothly. However, the games we developed during lockdown (Reunion...
Adding fighting and poison to a murder mystery party

Adding fighting and poison to a murder mystery party

One of of our customers recently wrote to us asking which games have combat in them. (I’m not sure if they were looking for games that had combat, or games without combat. Not that it matters.) We realised we hadn’t made it easy for our customers to work out which...
What Our Clients Say
79 reviews