Kate Lovell’s Way out West party

Way out West – Our WOW party – how appropriate! A ‘spur of the moment’ idea. Wishing to hold the party during a pre-booked holiday, my daughter left us only one week to prepare!!! We did manage it, but next time we will definitely start much earlier!! Despite that, I’m glad to say the party seems to have been a huge success – judging by the response of our guests!
“This was the first Murder Mystery Party any of us had been to, let alone hosted. We very much liked the ‘easy to follow’ format, so simple to organise, with plenty of useful tips like the costume suggestions for all the characters – I imagine this must be one of the easiest themes to kit out, especially for the men as most have either a suit or jeans and shirt. I found some old saloon type piano music by Scott Joplin on the MSN Music site, which I was able to buy, download and burn to disc with ease. We took your advice and did a buffet so that guests could help themselves during the evening. My daughter made ‘authentic cactus nibbles’ out of cucumbers with cocktail sticks for the spikes. My husband made a great wooden town sign to hang above the gate, and a cactus shaped sign for The Silver Dollar bar. I made several ‘Wanted’ posters to stick around the house and garden (luckily we were blessed with a sunny summer evening).
“Our guests ranged in age from 18 to 50, and everyone made a big effort with their costumes, the attention to detail was beyond our expectations. Slick adorned a fine facial scar (the only time he’s been known to use make-up) and Deputy Dan even sported spurs on his boots! My niece, who on the day of the party, made the skirts for both Kate and Blaise, also made their garters and ‘mini pockets’ to hold their cards/items. Everybody got into character, even down to the family dog who was given the part of ‘Starr Fairweather’ – Deputy Dan’s faithful mutt. Wearing a natty blue neckerchief, she dutifully followed Dan around as he carried out his duties, although I believe she spent more time gratefully accepting titbits from other guests than actually assisting the Deputy!
“In keeping with the game era of 1884 we decided to take most the photos in sepia mode. They look really authentic, particulary when printed out.quot;I’m sure this won’t be the last time we hold a Murder Mystery Party, there was great hilarity throughout the evening from start to finish! There is so much to do within the game, there’s something for everyone! I would certainly recommend these to anybody and will be back to peruse your other games.
“Thank you for all your help both on the website and via e-mail. Your after-sales support has been phenomenal, a great example of real customer service!”
Kay Lovell, Devon, United Kingdom

Click here to learn more about Way out West.

Way out West is also available in French (as La Ruée vers Cactusville) and German (as Way out West).

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