Terms and conditions

These are the legal terms and conditions under which we sell our games. They are effective as of 1st November 2023. We want you to feel confident in purchasing and using the games that we offer, so please read this page, and contact us if you have any questions. You can also see our refund policy here.

Freeform Games LLP (referred to as “we”, “our” and “us” in these terms) suggest that the customer (referred to as “you” and “your” in these terms) should spend some time in reading through these terms of trading. This is because these conditions shall apply to any contract between the parties.

1. Formation of contract

1.1 We sell you a licence to use our murder mystery games (“the Games” or “the Game”). The Games are provided in the form of electronic files. When we have received your order and payment, we will generate a personalized link that will let you download the Games you ordered. When you take up this offer, the terms outlined in this document will govern our relationship with you.

1.2 We accept orders at our discretion. If we accept an order from you, the contract will be formed on these conditions, as outlined in clause 1.1 above, in the following way: Before you have completed the online order form, you will be invited to confirm that you have read and accept our offer by agreeing to these terms of trading. If you do not accept these terms of trading, we will not agree to enter a contract with you.

2. Payment terms

2.1 The price of the licence to use the Games you order is to be paid for in advance.

3. Prices

3.1 The current prices of the licences for the various Games are set out on our website. All prices may be subject to local tax at the rate currently in force at the time of this contract and all monies due under this contract are to be paid in one of the currencies proffered by us.

4. Intellectual property rights and licence to use the Games

4.1 When we have received your payment, we will grant you a licence to use, for unlimited uses, a single Game, or Games if you have paid for more than one Game. This licence is personal to you and permits you to use the Games PROVIDED THAT you do not charge any consideration to any person to participate in the Games or to act as a spectator when the Games are being played. Should you wish to run a Game commercially, you must purchase a commercial licence.

4.2 If you wish to use the Games to raise money for a registered charity, you may do so PROVIDED THAT you clearly state on the advertising copy prior to the playing of the Games and during the Games our company name, website address and the fact that the Games belong to us.

4.3 We assert our moral rights in respect of all copyrighted material produced by us and also the moral rights of any supplier to us of any such copyright material. You confirm that you will not alter, reuse, or otherwise exploit or jeopardize the artistic integrity of the material contained in any of the Games.

4.4 When you buy the Game, you must download it using the link we provide. This link will remain valid for 14 days, but we will provide you with a new one should you need it subsequently.

5. Your responsibilities

5.1 You undertake to observe the terms of any licence in relation to any Games provided by us and to indemnify us against all costs, claims, and liabilities arising from any breach of this clause.

5.2 You agree not to charge consideration to people who participate in playing the Games or for spectators to watch the Games unless you buy a commercial licence version of the game.

5.3 We sell Games. The Games we sell are meant to be for entertainment and are not to be taken seriously. IN PARTICULAR, the Games sometimes provide for the pretended violent attacks by characters on each other by such means as the use of poison, knives, guns, or other implements. We do not suggest or condone the use of real implements when the Games are played. You agree, therefore, that should you purchase our Games, that you will take sole responsibility for the proper conduct of the Games. Further, if you or any player decide not to use the paper equivalent of the method of attack that we provide in the electronic file that contained the Games, you will accept sole responsibility for any consequences that may follow.

6. Amendments

6.1 We reserve the right to modify, suspend or discontinue any or all of our services at our sole discretion and without notice. We also reserve the right to give advanced notice of any changes to these terms and conditions at any time, whether by notice on our website or by contacting you directly.

7. Unforeseen circumstances

7.1 There may be times where events beyond our control prevent you from downloading the electronic file of the Games. If this occurs, we ask you to inform us and we undertake to make our best efforts to supply the electronic files to you.

8. Limitation of liability

8.1 If we breach the terms of the contract, or you seek compensation and damages for any claim or claims arising out of any contract between the parties for whatever reason, your remedy will be limited to damages. Our liability to you will not exceed the amount that you paid us for the Games.

9. Exclusion of liability

9.1 With the exception of clause 8, we shall not be liable to you, except in respect of injury or death of any person (for which no limit applies) regardless of the form of action, whether in contract, tort (including negligence and breach of statutory duty), strict liability, or otherwise whatsoever for,

9.1 any delay in supplying or for failing to supply any Games, or

9.2 any loss of profit, business, contracts, or revenues, or

9.3 failure to achieve anticipated savings in costs or expenses, or

9.4 failure to achieve increased profit, business, contracts, revenues, or market penetration, or

9.5 any special, indirect or consequential damage of any nature whatsoever arising directly or indirectly out of the Games we sell, or of any error or defect caused by us,

UNLESS you inform us in writing before you enter a contract with us, of any particular circumstances covered in sub clauses 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, and 9.5 above.

10. Reasonableness of the limitation and exclusion clauses

10.1 If you enter a contract with us, you agree that the limitation of liability clause, clause 8 and the exclusion of liability clause, clause 9, are reasonable, and that the price agreed reflects the position on liability.

11. Rights of third parties

11.1 In accordance with s 1(2)(a) of the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999, the parties intend that no term of this contract may be enforced by a third party.

12. Severance

12.1 The parties agree that in the event of one or more clauses or sub-clause of this contract being subsequently declared invalid or unenforceable by a court or other authority with jurisdiction, the invalidity or unenforceability of any clause or sub-clause shall not in any way affect the validity or enforceability of any other clause or sub-clause except those which compromise an integral part of it or are otherwise clearly inseparable.

13. Applicable law

13.1 The contract between the parties is to be governed by and construed according to English law and the parties agree to submit any disputes to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

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