Freeform Games newsletter April 2020: Reunion with Death

Freeform Games newsletter April 2020: Reunion with Death

Welcome to our newsletter! Welcome to the coronavirus lockdown issue of our occasional newsletter!. In this issue we talk about beating those lockdown blues by: Our new online video chat murder mystery party game Reunion with Death! Our thoughts about how to host our...

New lockdown murder mystery – Reunion of Death

To help with those Coronavirus lockdown blues, we’ve just released our latest game – Reunion with Death. Reunion with Death is for 6-9 players (and one host as usual) and has been written to be played online in lockdown, using video chat. We’ve...

Lockdown Way out West

Following on from our last post about running a A Will To Murder in lockdown, we have another lockdown story – Way out West. Paul Barnard used Zoom and ownCloud (a bit like Dropbox or Microsoft OneDrive) to run Way out West across five houses. Here’s how...
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