Murder mystery games in German

Some of our most popular games have been translated into German, by native German speakers, to allow hosts and guests to organize murder mystery parties entirely in German.

Simone von Die besten Familienspiele ist unsere Partnerin für unsere deutschsprachigen Krimispiele. Wenn Ihr mehr Information zu unseren Spielen in deutscher Sprache wünscht, besucht Ihre Krimispiele-Seite. Ihr könnt unsere deutschen Spiele auch direkt dort kaufen. Lest zum Beispiel einen ausführlichen Bericht über Der Fluch des Pharao.

Here’s a terrific article in German that our German partner, Die Besten Familienspiele, has written about our games – particularly focusing on Der Fluch des Pharao. If you prefer to purchase from a German-language website, we recommend that you visit Die Besten Familienspiele.

And here’s another article in German by Die Besten Familienspiele, based around some great detailed and honest feedback from a customer who had run Way out West (Deutsch). This is definitely worth reading, if you’re thinking of hosting one of our games.

IMPORTANT NOTE: these games are priced in Euros. If you’re not in the Eurozone, that’s OK – PayPal converts the cost to your own currency for you.

Murder mystery games in German

Cover to Sex, Drugs & Death, a murder mystery game

Sex, Drugs & Death
(not based on one of our games, it’s an original production!)

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