Rob Newbold’s Hollywood Lies party

“We just finished Hollywood Lies, and I thought I’d give you some feedback about how it went.
Everyone had a GREAT time, and I’m sending you the pictures that we took. Here, I’ll describe what I did as a setting:
We had it in my father’s union hall and decorated one of the walls with a Hollywood scene. We had a podium with a microphone also. I used Big Band sounds for the back ground music and had that playing in Windows Media player, while I used a ‘cocktail party chatter’ sound effect set for repeat on Real Player (So that I could play both at the same time. I didn’t have time to mix them together like I usually do.)
I couldn’t find any Oscar looking trophies, so I went to Party City and got these $4 gold trophies shaped like shooting stars. I custom made the voting slips with the picture of them, as well as the item cards, so that people knew what the trophies looked like.
Once it was over, we had an awards ceremony where people that weren’t involved with the movies presented awards. After the votes were tallied, I wrote the winners on paper and put them in envelopes so the presenter could open them and call out the winner. The winners gave a thank you speech, in character, and then stepped down.
At this point, I gave my girlfriend one to read, but inside I put the phrase “WILL YOU MARRY ME?” and when she opened it I got down on one knee and proposed. THAT was fun!! Everyone cheered.
Anyway, it was REALLY fun!
A lot of people solved the murder, but the detective didn’t. She tried really hard, and was stuck between two people, but guessed wrong.
All in all, I would say that it was very well made and everyone walked away talking about the evening, and emailing me to ask me when the NEXT one will be! So kudos to you and the writers for another job well done!”
Rob Newbold, United States

Click here to learn more about Hollywood Lies.

Hollywood Lies is available in German as Hollywoods Lügen.

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