Murder at Sea photos

Murder at Sea photos from Carol Strevens. She held the party in a manor house, which suited the formal dress. Click here to learn more about Murder at Sea. Murder at Sea is also available in French as La Croisiere Fatale.

Our games by year…

Following on from our birthday post last month, I thought it would be interesting to show when we published each game. I’ve excluded translations to keep things simple… 2001 Death on the Gambia by Steve Hatherley 2002 Murder at Sea by Chris Boote (Murder at Sea was...

Decorating your venue – lockdown style!

One of our customers, Peal, got in touch with us recently to share with us a site they had prepared for lockdown Murder at Sea with 20 guests. We’re really impressed – it’s a great way to set the scene for your online murder mystery party. They built their site...

Looking back at 2014

So it’s that time of year again when we look back at the past twelve months and review how we did. We did this for 2013, and now it’s time for 2014. Sales overall – a bit flat 2014 was overall a bit flat for us – a rise of just over 1%. However, that...

From All at Sea to Murder at Sea

First class passengers enjoying Murder at Sea All at Sea was our second murder mystery game and is written by Chris Boote. Apart from amending a couple of errors we haven’t really touched it at all since its release in 2002. However, since then we’ve changed our...
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